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1mm Acoustic PP PET Underlayer for Floor Noise Reduction and Soundproofing

● GRECHO PP PET Underlay, being the first professionally produced in China, serves to protect flooring. It minimizes walking and footstep sounds, ensuring excellent indoor soundproofing. Additionally, it safeguards the floor from potential damage due to dampness and addresses the unevenness of the underlying surface.



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    For many dwelling in vertical residential complexes or multi-level office structures, the worry of inadvertently disturbing the neighbors below due to noises arising from walking, object relocation, and other activities is a regular concern.

    GRECHO Acoustic Floor Pads' groundbreaking solution presents a successful strategy to mitigate these issues.

    Created from bi-component fibers, GRECHO acoustic floor pads are a contemporary approach intended to improve the acoustic properties and comfort of indoor spaces. These state-of-the-art underlay items are tailored specifically to be implemented under an assortment of flooring kinds, such as hardwood, laminate, vinyl, and carpet, delivering superior noise isolation and reduction.

    These acoustic floor pads integrate bi-component fibers in their structure, enhancing their efficacy in mitigating and absorbing impact noise and airborne sound. By leveraging the unique traits of fibers, these liner products adopt a dual strategy for curtailing undesirable noise, thereby crafting a serene and harmonious interior atmosphere for inhabitants.

    A key benefit of using bi-component fiber acoustic floor pads is their remarkable capability to substantially dampen impact noise, like the sound of footsteps, movements, or objects dropping onto the floor. The stratified assembly of the fibers guarantees effective padding and sound absorption, diminishing the transmission of impact noise to the surrounding area.

    The outcome is a quieter, more tranquil environment, particularly in multi-level structures or areas with heavy foot traffic.



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